Thursday, October 21, 2010

Keep Your Kids Protected

weight training blog - keep your kids protected
Playing sports benefits your child by giving him the exercise he needs while developing his mind-body coordination and social skills. However, to prevent physical injuries, you must ensure his safety by following these tips:

Make sure that your child is wearing the proper helmet or head gear for the specific sport/activity he engages in.

In choosing bike helmets, see to it that it bears the sticker of assurance on meeting the safety standards set by the Consumer Product Safety Commission.

To determine the best helmet for your kid. Look at how it fits his head. The perfect choice should be just right, not too big nor too small that it either tips forward or backward.

Sports such as football, baseball,ice hockey, and softball; require your child to wear polycarbonate guards or face masks.

If your kid is bespectacled, he would require prescription polycarbonate goggles. Do not allow him play and go out in the field or court without wearing them.

When it comes to wearing eye protection, it is imperative that they fit comfortably and perfectly. Also, they should always have cushions above the eyebrows and over the nose bridge.

Written By: Maris Modesto

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